Sunday, March 24, 2013

Practicing being a grumpy old man.

I'm going to try hard not to let this turn into some sort of rant, and not let myself drone on too much, wish me luck.
   So I've been thinking a lot about where we are as a society and how we got here. I'll start with where I think we are. I think we're in a bad place, like real bad. The way I would define a society is how the majority of the people that make up that particular area act and what the people in that society value. Based on that I think we are headed in the wrong direction. Now I was trying to think of examples I could use to try to prove my point. I considered  popular music, like N A$AP Rocky, or Niki Manaji, but I didn't want to make it seem like I was attacking an art form (hip hop) that I really enjoy. Then I thought about television, and the easiest way to do that would be to attack reality shows. But we all know none of those are real. Then I thought about the people on those shows, one man in particular, Lamar Odom. I think Lamar Odom is the perfect encapsulation of what has happened in our society.
   Lamar Odom in a professional basketball player. Let's think about that for a second. There are currently 450 players in the NBA.Now think for a second about how many high school kids play basketball, now think about how many of those make it to college now think about how many of those play in the NBA. Now of course an argument could be made for his size a forward is really the best position for him and that might change some of the statistics are far as him playing professionally but thats beside the point.  Now not only does he play professional basketball, he was also on 2 championship teams, and won the award for 6th man of the year. An award only one person wins a year. I think you see the point I am making, he is pretty good at playing the basketball. However if you goggle his name (go ahead I'll wait) anything basketball related comes up third.
More people know his as being married to Chloe Kardashian. And how do people know who she is, oh yeah she is the sister of Kim Kardashian. Wait though how do people know who she is, well I'm glad you asked. She is famous for a sex tape she made with a B-list R&B singer by the name of Ray J. I would explain who he is but A. I don't want to go further down this rabbit hole, and B. I don't actually care. No wait! I remember now, he's famous for being related to R&B singer Brandy. Okay I got it now. So if you're keeping score at home it goes like this, more people in our society know who Lamar Odom is because he married a girl who is famous because her sister made a sex tape with a dude who was famous because his sister sang some hit songs 10 years ago. That's where we stand.
Also I didn't even get into Kris Jenner and how that's essentially the same story only with Olympics and an even worse woman.
 So you can disagree with my opinion if you want but that doesn't change the facts. I guess the real question now is what do we do about it? I'll leave that one up to you guy's I need a drink after that.

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